Power Duos Mother’s Day Candace & Amberly

by Admin February 01, 2022 1,459

Here at Vivian’s Door, we’re celebrating moms all month long! Today we’re featuring a dynamic mother and daughter duo making waves in their industry Candace Houston and Amberly Harris. This mother and daughter team has been in business together for a couple of years. Come along with us and meet them. Meet Candace Houston “Queen […]

Tears of Persistence

by Admin January 31, 2022 1,212

by Jamal Robinson Yesterday, I experienced something unique. It was so overwhelming that I couldn’t bring myself to even write about it until this very moment sitting here at my apartment at 4:00 am. Ironically, I started writing this article at exactly 4:25 am (my actual birthday), so maybe this article will be one of […]

The Taped Box

by Admin January 31, 2022 886

The thing about age is the older you get, the wiser you are supposed to become. In some instances, this is true. You begin to do things innately that you had never done before—some good, some bad, but mostly consistent. As I get older, I’ve started to see more patterns and trends in my life. […]

Tribute To Moms

by Admin January 31, 2022 1,024

You call her Mom, But she goes by many other names: Sister, Auntie, Grandma…to name a few, She wears many hats: Caregiver, cheerleader, comforter, and champion She comes in many sizes and shapes, But one thing rings true¾ A heart filled with love that gives and keeps on giving, She’s unrelenting, understanding, undemanding, understated, and […]

Veterans Day General Cooper

by Admin January 31, 2022 972

Jerome Gary Cooper was born on October 2, 1936, in Lafayette, Louisiana, to a devout Catholic family. He grew up in the 1950s in the “Down the Bay” community of Mobile, AL, an average segregated urban area in the South during that time. Cooper says, “The streets were dirt and such, but we had a […]