Shannon Treadwell: A Compassionate Therapist Guiding Others to Inner Peace

Shannon Treadwell: A Compassionate Therapist Guiding Others to Inner Peace
Meet Shannon Treadwell, a therapist passionate about making a tangible difference in people’s lives. With a strong belief in the power of counseling, Shannon has embarked on a fulfilling career that has led her to help countless individuals navigate the challenges they face. In this article, we delve into Shannon’s inspiring journey, her strategies for handling pressure, her personal triumphs, and her invaluable advice for aspiring mental health professionals. Join us as we discover the compassionate soul behind the therapist.
Finding Inspiration and Getting Started:
Shannon’s motivation to become a mental health therapist stems from her sincere wish to make a difference in people’s lives by providing meaningful assistance. Starting her career in Social Work, she transitioned to counseling, recognizing the lasting impact it can have on individuals and their communities. As Shannon eloquently says, “Once you give a person tools they can use in their own life, they share them with others, creating healthy and happy families and communities.”
Navigating Life’s Pressures:
When it comes to handling life’s pressures, both personal and professional, Shannon emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and allowing oneself to feel the emotions that arise. However, she doesn’t dwell on those feelings for long. She makes it a point to turn to prayer and takes proactive steps, trusting that things will work out as they should. Shannon is also mindful of her thoughts and consciously replaces negative self-talk with positive affirmations, refusing to let negative thinking overpower her.
Proud Moments in Shannon’s Career:
Among the many success stories Shannon has witnessed throughout her career, one particular experience stands out. Working with a client struggling to reconcile the death she witnessed in her profession and faith, Shannon provided anxiety management techniques and compassionate support during their sessions. Seeing her client gradually find peace amidst the turmoil was a remarkable, beautiful, and rewarding moment for Shannon. It reaffirmed her belief in the transformative power of counseling.
Maintaining a Healthy Balance:
Balancing work as a mental health professional with self-care requires intentionality. Shannon carves time for winding down, disconnecting from work-related matters, and engaging in activities that bring her joy and relaxation. She nurtures her well-being through prayer, reflection, leisure activities, and establishing healthy boundaries. By taking care of herself, Shannon can better care for others.
Advice for Aspiring Mental Health Professionals:
To those considering a career in mental health, Shannon offers wise counsel. She encourages them to continue growing and learning about themselves while allowing themselves the space to be human. Therapists are not infallible, and embracing the learning process without the expectation of always having the correct answers is essential. By being authentic, therapists can connect with their clients more deeply.
Future Goals and Making an Impact:
Shannon’s future holds exciting prospects. She is in the process of opening her own practice, a milestone that fills her with both nerves and excitement. Additionally, she is pursuing her doctorate in Counselor Education and Supervision, with the ultimate goal of becoming a counselor educator. Teaching others will be the culmination of her professional journey.
A Message to Young People of Color:
For young people of color, Shannon wants to convey the significance of being a mental health professional. They can create lasting impacts by making a difference in their communities, one person at a time. Small steps can lead to significant changes, and by finding unique ways to impact their families and communities, they can contribute to the betterment of society.
Final words
To effectively care for others, Shannon emphasizes the importance of self-care. She honors her need for rest and sets boundaries, enabling her to be the best version of herself for her clients and loved ones.
In conclusion, Shannon Treadwell continues to serve her community with her knowledge and skills as a mental health therapist, endeavoring to inspire all she comes across.
Contact Details
She can be reached either at NoonDay Therapeutic Center in Rainbow City, Al or at Revision Counseling Center based out of Auburn –