Celebrating Reverend Sandy A. McQueen: A Pillar of Support for his Community and Vivian’s Door

Celebrating Reverend Sandy A. McQueen: A Pillar of Support for his Community and Vivian’s Door

by Javaughnae Malone March 22, 2024 1,656

In the bustling heart of Mobile, AL, nestled among the vibrant streets filled with history and lined with fragrant flower blooms, lies a beacon of hope and community spirit, the Truevine Missionary Baptist Church. At the helm stands a figure revered by many, Reverend Sandy A. McQueen, the seventh pastor to grace its pulpit since its founding in 1883. But there’s more to this man than his title: a story of passion, commitment, and unwavering support for his community.


Answering the Call: A Divine Journey

“Why did you choose it?” He put it like this: “The Lord chose me.” Starting back in 1988, Reverend McQueen recalls that he heard the call of God into the ministry. “I accepted the call,” he chuckles, his pleasant demeanor shining through the phone line. “Rather than me choosing it, the Lord chose me.” With a hint of nostalgia, Reverend McQueen recounts his over three decades-long-journey, woven with the threads of divine guidance and unwavering faith. “I always desired to see a difference in people,” he shares, his voice brimming with emotion. “Helping them to be all that God would have them be and equip them – it’s the love, the passion that’s been my calling.”

Guiding Lights: Mentors Along the Way

As the conversation unfolds, Reverend McQueen speaks fondly of those who paved the path before him – Mentors like the late Dr. Howard Johnson, his former pastor, the late Dr. Johnny J. Phillips, and D.D. Chastain left an indelible mark on his journey, shaping him into the shepherd he is today. In addition, his late aunt, Bessie V. Henderson, and many senior men and women have been an inspiration to him and instrumental in shaping the leader he’s become today. “Their wisdom, their guidance—it’s been invaluable,” he reflects, a sense of gratitude permeating his words.

An Unwavering Commitment: Supporting Vivian’s Door

But amidst tales of the past, Reverend McQueen’s dedication to the present shines brightly. Vivian’s Door, a beacon of hope for the community, holds a special place in his heart. “It is a ministry,” he affirms, his voice resonating with conviction. “A command from the Lord to reach out and compel others to come.”

Through Vivian’s Door, Reverend McQueen sees not just an organization but a vessel for spreading love and hope. “It helps us reach those who wouldn’t normally step into a church,” he explains. “It’s about planting seeds of love and showing there’s always a better way to life.” He notes further, “Vivian’s Door, is prepared and surrounds the people within the community, meeting them where they stand with humanity and humility, and inspiring them – such as the Christmas invitation of the children and the families within the community to come and enjoy a good old-fashioned holiday celebration.” A little-known fact is that Rev McQueen is a great singer – evidenced by the fact that he sang beautifully during the Soulful Sounds of the Season event Vivian’s Door hosted at his facility last year; his beautiful singing from his heart added to a truly vibrant and cheerful atmosphere.”

A Vision of Unity: Building Bridges

As the conversation unfolds, a vision of unity emerges—a shared dream of churches and nonprofits joining hands to uplift the community. “It’s not just about one church or organization,” Reverend McQueen emphasizes. “It’s about coming together as a community, lending a hand, and helping wherever needed.” Reverend McQueen further advocates for personal touchpoints, emphasizing the power of human connection. “Flyers won’t suffice; we need real conversations,” he stresses, championing authentic outreach as the cornerstone of community engagement.

In addition, Reverend McQueen stresses that collaboration is a crucial component. He suggests that in the future, pastors from other churches in the community partner with Vivian’s Door to host similar events – noting that “they could even host the event at Truevine’s community center,” he hopes that this would foster unity and thereby impact more people within the community. For him, it’s about building bridges, connecting businesses, churches, and the community to create a network of support and empowerment. In his eyes, Vivian’s Door embodies this spirit of unity—a bridge connecting hearts and minds, forging bonds that transcend boundaries. “It’s about being a true servant,” he adds, with a sense of pride evident in his voice.

Empowering Black Businesses in the community

From health initiatives with USA Research to community feeding programs, Truevine makes it a point to partner with different organizations like Feeding the Gulf Coast – working within the community to find ways to improve lives and businesses. He noted that Vivian’s Door activities extend beyond seasonal events. “It’s about holistic care,” Reverend McQueen affirms, highlighting the church’s commitment to nourishing body and spirit.

Furthermore, Reverend McQueen acknowledges black businesses’ challenges and sees the importance of support and education. “We think we’re winning, but we’re not getting ahead,” he remarks, highlighting the need for trust and collaboration. Through partnerships with organizations like Vivian’s Door, which provide access to information and resources, he believes it will help uplift these businesses, helping them thrive and contribute to the community’s growth.

Reverend McQueen was happy to learn about the Vivian’s Door directory, a platform showcasing black businesses in the community. He expressed delight; “this would be helpful for business owners in the church – to leverage to get information about what they do to more people.”

A Shared Journey: Enriching Lives Together

As he reflects on his journey with Vivian’s Door, Reverend McQueen speaks of enrichment—of hearts touched and lives transformed. “It kickstarts the energy, the drive to be vigilant in our community,” he shares, a sense of fulfillment evident in his words. Through partnerships forged and bonds strengthened, Reverend McQueen sees a brighter future where love, compassion, and unity reign supreme. “Thank you for being a partner on this journey,” he concludes, his voice echoing with gratitude. “May we continue our outreach to the community together.”

As the conversation closes, a sense of friendship lingers—a shared commitment to making a difference, one life, one business at a time. And in the heart of Reverend McQueen beats the unwavering resolve to continue the journey, hand in hand with Vivian’s Door and the community he holds dear.

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